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Ideas that inSpire
You Can Have It All
Navigating the Challenges of Benefits Communication: Solutions and Strategies In the ever-evolving landscape of employee benefits, effective communication remains a critical challenge for employers and brokers alike. The complexities of benefits plans, combined with...
It’s Not Too Late – Quick Turns
As the annual frenzy of Open Enrollment season approaches, HR professionals, brokers and benefits administrators alike begin to prepare and brace themselves for the upcoming whirlwind. It’s the time of year when benefits communication shifts into overdrive and...
Mastering Effective Benefits Communication with Implico Video Solutions
Open enrollment season is one of the most important times of the year – the time of year where employees browse and select the health care benefits being offered to them. This decision is not one that is taken lightly, as their selection impacts their life and most...
Boost Employee Engagement with the Implico vGuide™: a Digital Benefits Guide
Are your employees satisfied with how they are currently receiving their health care benefits? Is your Human Resources (HR) department bogged down during open enrollment season with never-ending questions? Do you want to increase employee engagement? Welcome to the...
Benefits At A Glance: The Implico vBAAG™
Do your employees truly understand the benefits they are eligible to receive? What is your current process for employees to view their benefits? Are they limited to viewing their benefits only through the payroll or HR database? How effective is this actually? Are...
Engagement Beyond Open Enrollment
HR departments have to deal with the challenge of disseminating vital information effectively even after as open enrollment. What if there was a tool that not only simplified communication during open enrollment but also acted as a dynamic resource for continuous...
The NexGen Benefit Guides Have Arrived!
Communicating benefits to your employees can take time and effort. Traditional methods often fall short, with lengthy documents and cumbersome text failing to capture attention. However, the introduction of Implico's NexGen Benefits Guide marks a significant...
Implico’s Guide to Engaging Employees
At this time of the year, many of you evaluate and modify your benefits communication strategies. The goal is always to convey benefits information to employees in a way they comprehend and appreciate and to help in this endeavor, we have compiled some practical tips...
Reflecting on Open Enrollment 2023: Was it a “Season of Neglect” for You?
Open Enrollment is often a whirlwind with long days and nights. As we embark on a new year, take a moment to reflect on this past Open Enrollment and think, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your experience. Was it a smooth process or riddled with stress? Open...
5 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement through Benefits Communication
It’s no secret that the more connected people feel to something—whether an organization, an idea, or a leader—the more willing they are to take action. Here at Implico Communications, our mission is to help people feel connected to their healthcare decisions, through...
Connect Your Team to the Wellness Benefits You Offer
There’s no debating the fact that when people are feeling well, they lead more productive and fulfilling lives—both at home and at work. It’s why you put together benefits packages that not only help your employees meet their basic needs for healthcare coverage, but...
Open Enrollment
You don’t have to be in benefits communications long before you understand the intensity of the season that is “Open Enrollment.” And whether it’s your first—or your 47th—year of managing Open Enrollment, we know there’s a lot on your plate. That’s where Implico...