Open Enrollment Collateral:

Open Enrollment is a critical time for employee engagement, but one guide may not be enough. That’s why ICI Creative Solutions offers a suite of collateral options designed to complement your benefits guide. From eye-catching posters to informative postcards, we provide the tools you need to create a cohesive and impactful communication strategy. Our solutions deliver vital benefits information through multiple touch points, meeting the unique needs of your workforce.

What Sets Our Collateral Apart?

Strategic Communication
Across Every Channel

Our collateral goes beyond aesthetics, strategically crafted to align with your campaign goals and deliver maximum impact, whether reinforcing messages or driving action.

Consistent, Branded Experience

From posters to mailers, every item reflects your company’s unique brand identity, creating a seamless and professional employee experience.

Engagement That Sticks

We design collateral that captures attention, simplifies complex information, and ensures employees fully understand their benefits, leading to higher participation and satisfaction.


Effective collateral bridges the gap between information and understanding. Whether it’s posters that capture attention in high-traffic areas, postcards that deliver key updates directly to employees, or mailers that provide personalized details at home, these materials expand the reach of your message. Benefits-at-a-Glance (BAAG) summaries offer a clear, concise way to highlight essential benefits, ensuring employees have a quick reference guide at their fingertips. By utilizing collateral, you create a cohesive and multi-channel communication campaign that supports your employees every step of the way.

Collateral Options Include

Benefit Flyers/Posters ($850)

PowerPoint Presentations ($850)

Benefit Guide Versions ($1,000)

Email Banners ($850)

Rate Sheets ($850)

Benefits-at-a-Glance (BAAGs)/
Home Mailers ($1,750)

Postcards ($850)

Wallet Cards ($850)

Brochures ($2,500)

Discover the Benefits Guide

Take your Open Enrollment campaign further with a comprehensive benefits guide that complements your collateral and delivers key messages effectively.