It’s hard to appreciate something that’s not on your radar. For many employees, their benefits are just not on their minds. Your team may have dedicated countless hours and efforts towards putting together a compelling benefits package. But if it’s not quick and easy to access, much of that effort will go unnoticed, and those specially crafted benefits guides may end up at the bottom of a drawer, ignored until next year’s open enrollment.

Here at Implico, we want to help ensure that your employees stay connected and engaged with their benefits all year round. And from our experience, microsites are one of the best ways to do that.

Get to Know the Microsite

A microsite—literally, a small website—is simply a branded communication that provides the opportunity to communicate about a particular aspect of your company or brand in a way that’s simple, uncluttered, and easy-to-navigate. They serve as a perfect avenue to engage employees in regards to their health and wellness benefits.

What kind of microsite do I need for benefits communication?

Here at Implico, we want to help you connect with employees—or future employees—at all different stages of their journey with your company. In order to help you do this, we offer two types of microsites: one for those who are already part of your team, and another for those you’re hoping will be.

vGuide™ Microsites

The first one is a no-brainer. Our vGuide™ Microsites are an invaluable part of any benefits engagement strategy. A vGuide™ Microsite is a virtual benefits guide, basically, the online version of your traditional hard-copy, ink-and-paper benefits guide. This microsite allows employees to easily access information on their health and wellness benefits from wherever they are, in a way that’s fast, simple, and right at their fingertips, through their computer or mobile device.

vGuide™ Microsites allow employees to access all of the important information they need about their coverage, tax-advantage accounts, income protection, and additional benefits, all in one place. You can even include everything they’ll need to participate in open enrollment, as well as other important reminders and resources. With everything in one convenient place, you’ll be getting less questions, and you’ll wonder how you ever did without vGuide™ from Implico.

Recruiting Microsites

It’s no secret how competitive the job market has become in recent months. As you look to expand your team, not only do you have to find the best people, but you also have to convince the best people that they want to join you! One of the best ways to feature the benefits your company offers is through a recruiting microsite.

With a recruiting microsite, we help our clients highlight their benefits packages as well as other advantages of joining their company. A recruiting microsite compiles important information about the company—and the benefits they offer—in a way that’s cohesive, easy-to-understand, and gets potential employees excited about coming on board as part of your team.

You can use recruiting microsites to share about your company’s values and culture, benefits information, and more. This helps potential employees envision what it would look like to become part of your team and gives you a chance to let them know how great their future could be working together. Don’t miss the opportunity to stand out in the crowd and show prospects how much you care about helping your people thrive, with a recruiting microsite.

Take the Next Step

We know you care about helping your employees to live their best lives—both at work and at home—and the benefits packages you’ve created prove it. A microsite could make a lasting impact on your employees’ ability to access the resources and benefits you offer. Connect with Implico to get your microsite started today!